Common Misconceptions Around Aesthetics

So many patients come into our clinic having had a very poor experience previously with another injector. This genuinely breaks our heart because taking the decision in the first place to have an aesthetics treatment is a really big deal. So what are the most common “beliefs” people come to us with after a less than great experience …

The product didn’t work for me

If a clinic uses high quality products to inject with then there really is no such thing as the product didn’t work. The likelihood is that if the result isn’t noticeable enough for you, you need more product and if the result just doesn’t look great this comes back to the skills of the injector. Any reputable clinic should offer you a review if you feel this way.

I only want 1ml…

Although as injectors it can be impossible to be 100% sure how much product you are going to need to achieve the result you desire we always have a good idea. But what’s certain is when patients come to us stating the exact amount of “mls” they want across their whole face, the result is never going to be great. 1ml of filler takes up 1/5 of a tea spoon so realistically this amount spread over your cheeks, jawline and lips isn’t going to achieve a great result.

All filler looks fake

Anyone who follows us on social media will hopefully know that this is absolutely not the truth. The reality is that to get a great result you need two things:-

1) A skilled injector

2) Great product

If either of these things are missing then the reality is your result won’t look great. But if you take the time to research your injector then your result should be undetectable and never look “done”.

Filler only lasts a year

The time that filler stays in the body is unique from patient to patient. So many patients come to us wanting their lips done however we have to turn them away because there is still poorly placed filler present in their lips. You get used to how you look and don’t notice it anymore.


Choosing an Injector