Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Common Misconceptions Around Aesthetics

So many patients come into our clinic having had a very poor experience previously with another injector. This genuinely breaks our heart because taking the decision in the first place to have an aesthetics treatment is a really big deal. So what are the most common “beliefs” people come to us with after a less than great experience …

The product didn’t work for me

If a clinic uses high quality products to inject with then there really is no such thing as the product didn’t work. The likelihood is that if the result isn’t noticeable enough for you, you need more product and if the result just doesn’t look great this comes back to the skills of the injector. Any reputable clinic should offer you a review if you feel this way.

I only want 1ml…

Although as injectors it can be impossible to be 100% sure how much product you are going to need to achieve the result you desire we always have a good idea. But what’s certain is when patients come to us stating the exact amount of “mls” they want across their whole face, the result is never going to be great. 1ml of filler takes up 1/5 of a tea spoon so realistically this amount spread over your cheeks, jawline and lips isn’t going to achieve a great result.

All filler looks fake

Anyone who follows us on social media will hopefully know that this is absolutely not the truth. The reality is that to get a great result you need two things:-

1) A skilled injector

2) Great product

If either of these things are missing then the reality is your result won’t look great. But if you take the time to research your injector then your result should be undetectable and never look “done”.

Filler only lasts a year

The time that filler stays in the body is unique from patient to patient. So many patients come to us wanting their lips done however we have to turn them away because there is still poorly placed filler present in their lips. You get used to how you look and don’t notice it anymore.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Choosing an Injector

Making the decision to undergo an aesthetic treatment isn’t one that comes lightly nor should it be something that you jump into. Many of my patients have been researching for years, asking friends for recommendations and looking online for reviews and testimonials as well as genuine results pictures online.

It’s important to not only find the right treatment that will achieve the results you want, but also to find the right practitioner – someone who is medically qualified, insured and can offer friendly, no-pressure advice to put you at ease. We say this time and time again - do not have a procedure carried out by someone who isn’t a medical professional.

It’s still a huge honour when someone chooses to come and see me for the first time and find out how I can help them. Often there are many questions, fears and concerns that we need to discuss in detail before we both agree if going ahead if the right thing to do - or not.

So what are the most common concerns a new patient has when the come into clinic for the first time?

1) Pressure

A lot of patients tell me that from previous experience of other clinics they fear having pressure on them to go ahead. I would never put pressure on somebody to have a treatment which will effectively change your appearance - if anything I’m knowing for turning patients away who are begging me to inject them.

2) Pain

A lot of patients are worried they are going to be in extreme amounts of pain when undergoing a procedure. You can be rest assured that we always numb patients either with dental block or cream. If you are writhing around in pain then we have no chance of getting a good result - so you can be rest assured that pain isn’t something you are going to feel.

3) Looking “done”

We have patients of all ages and so many fear looking overdone. We would never in a million years allow this to happen and as said about we are known for turning people away who want to be injected.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Patience is the key to great lips

If you are a follower of our Instagram account you will see that we regularly tell our patients that “patience” is the key to achieving a great result.

What we mean by this is that some of the best results that our clients desire weren’t achieved in one sitting. They were achieved over perhaps two or three - which in turn was over the period of a year.

You may be thinking why can I just get the result I want first time round and pay for more filler. The answer to this question is really simple. If we put too much filler into your lips for example in one sitting you risk looking overfilled with no definition of your lips - think two sausages stuck on your face. By waiting for the initial filler to settle and any swelling to go down we can then assess your result and decide how much more we need to inject to get your result.

We will never inject more than we believe you need in any one sitting no matter how much you beg us to. We have your best interests at heart and know that long term you will thank us for this.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

The Importance of Researching Your Injector

Here at the Marlowe Clinic we regularly “preach” to both our patients and our audience the importance of researching your injector before you take the plunge and have aesthetic treatments. We don’t do this to sound like a broken record or be a bore. We do this because every week we see the devastating damage to beautiful people like you that jumped into having a treatment done and DIDNT research their injector. And what’s worse is that when a treatment is carried out by someone inexperienced when things go wrong they often disappear.

We have taken countless phone calls and messages from people throughout the country at all hours of the evening begging us for our help ( which we will always give) but sometimes it’s beyond our control and the damage is already done. This really rung home for us recently when BBC published a two series documentary on the truth about aesthetics.

Never be afraid to ask your injector questions, ask about their experience or pictures of THEIR results - not others. And if you have any doubts at all trust your gut and don’t go ahead. Dr Raph puts his patients needs at the forefront of every procedure and decision he makes at the Marlowe Clinic. Sometimes you leave disheartened because we won’t treat you or we say you need to have something dissolved before you go on to have more filler.

It’s important we do this for you. Because we care about YOU and your welfare.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

The Truth About Lip Fillers

With most people trawling instagram for the best Lip doctor we thought it was important to tell you the truth about lip fillers. Lip fillers when done in the hands of a skilled Dr can be fantastic and really increase a patients confidence. However lip fillers done in the hands of an inexperienced practitioner can not just be catastrophic- they can be lethal.

Over the years we have had patients come to Dr Raph who have been treated and a vein has been blocked or something has gone wrong. When this happens you are working against the time to treat the issue otherwise risk permanent facial disfigurement.

Most of the pictures you see on instagram of after lip fillers show and ultra plumped pout which is red and often very shiny. This can sometimes leave people considering lip fillers thinking that they will get a more rosey pout by getting lip fillers - which simply isnt the case. This is swelling immediately after treatment and the glow is the balm used to prevent infection.

Dr Raph always states that the true result of lip fillers is 3 weeks after treatment. By this stage any swelling has gone down and your lips have had chance to settle.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

A Positive Message to the Younger Generation

For anyone who follows our social media accounts you will see that we regularly post images on our profiles of celebrities showing both their real image and the edited image they put out to the public. Why do we do this you might ask?

As parents ourselves we see the damaging effects these airbrushed images have on the younger generation and in fact our own children who aspire to be and look how like an image they believe is real. They compare themselves to an image that is so smooth the skin almost resembles waxwork and they feel completely inadequate that no matter how much makeup they put on they do not look like this.

We are also aware that it is becoming an increasing problem with other Aesthetic Clinics publishing airbrushed results which again creates a false image and expectation of the younger generation when they go for these treatments.

We feel it is our job given the industry that we are in to promote and celebrate real beauty.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

The Bigger Picture

When you come into clinic for a consultation you might be left confused as to why Dr Raph looks at your face as a whole as opposed to just cracking on with the treatment you are requesting. The thing is to do you justice and get you the result you desire we have to look at the bigger picture. We look at bone loss, fat volume loss, elasticity of your skin as well as how your skin is ageing in general.

As a result when you request tear trough filler for example if you are lacking in volume in the mid face area we may recommend that you first have filler place in the mid face in order to support the filler placed in the tear trough area.

The advice we give always has your best interest at heart and is with the end result you desire in mind.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Leave the Lippy At Home!

If you follow our instagram page you will have seen this week Dr Raph posted a video begging his patients to leave their makeup off! As soon as you come into our clinic the first thing that he has to do before he can even proceed with a consultation is wipe your makeup off.

So please… leave it off!

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Wedding Bells back on?

With Weddings and gatherings back on and with lockdown easing we understand that our patients want to look their absolute best. But when really is the right time to book in and see Dr Raph? It is a really good question and one that we get asked all of the time.

Dr Raph refuses to treat any patient (bride or wedding party!) 6 weeks prior to the big day or your big event. The reason for this is that undergoing aesthetics treatments too close to wedding day can leave patients in a frantic panic if there is any swelling or bruising which takes a week or so to go down.

It is simply not worth it!

So if the restrictions easing means that your wedding day is fast approaching, drop us a message and get booked in to avoid disappointment.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Dr Raph Loves ZO Skinhealth

Great skincare is often underestimated. A variety of difference challenges can be treated with effective skincare from the first signs of acne through to pigmentation and acne.

Consistency is always the key to seeing results. Using a product for a week and expecting to see a complete transformation is quite simply unrealistic! You need to stick to your skincare regime morning and night in order to see the best results.

Dr Raph is now offering skincare consultations via zoom and is able to advice you on which skincare is most suitable to treat the issue you have.

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

How to Reduce Pesky Crows Feet

Those fine lines around your eyes that appear when you smile (crows feet), that seem to appear from absolutely no where, are usually the first signs of ageing to appear. The skin around the eye is 40% thinner than the rest of our face – making it prone to developing wrinkles at an earlier stage. If you are starting to notice that crow’s feet are beginning to appear on your face, here is what you can do to slow them down and prevent them becoming more pronounced:

1) Always wear an SPF! Even if its cloudy outside

2) Try adding a Vitamin A cream to your skincare regime

3) Protect your skin from “free radicals” - and if you are thinking what are those, read our next blog post!

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Holidays Are Back On… Don’t Forget Your Skincare

With Summer holidays all of a sudden seeming to be a possibility it is important for us to know the importance of wearing sunscreen in the summer months to avoid sunburn and damage. SPF is something we should wear all year round however we know that life takes over and its easy to just “forget”. Always wear sunscreen, no matter your skin colour or tone. Sunscreen dates back to ancient Egypt, where rice bran extract and jasmine were used to help shield skin from the sun. Chemists invented the first commercial sunscreen in 1936, and it has been adapted and improved upon ever since.

Up to 80 percent of the sun’s rays can pass through clouds, so if you assume it’s OK to forgo protection on an overcast day, think again. Often we only reach for our favourite SPF when we are jetting off to hotter climates but it is important to understand the risks of UV rays in colder climates. Snow can reflect up to 80 percent of UV rays, increasing your risk of exposure to sun damage. In addition to this the higher the altitude, the greater the UV exposure, so sunscreen is crucial for family skiing holidays in the winter months too.

Our favourite SPF is by our favourite skincare brand ZO. You can read more on their website here…

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Everything Your Need to Know About Tear Troughs


So what is a tear trough you are probably thinking? A tear trough deformity can be characterised b a sunken appearance of the under eye resulting in a dark shadow over the lower lid. This can leave a patient with a fatigued appearance.

Many patients come into our clinics across the UK asking about tear troughs but not all are suitable for treatment. Our Doctors will look at the rest of the face and importantly the midface area (cheeks). There is an important fat pad here and quite often volume loss in this area has to be treated before the actual tear trough is treated.

When correcting tear troughs at the Marlowe Clinic, Dr Raph preferred technique is to use a cannula. This reduces the risk of bruising and other associated complications.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Are Wrinkles Unavoidable?


A lot of people state from a young age that they are going to resort to ageing gracefully however when the times comes (which it does to us all!) people can often have a change of heart. So are wrinkles really unavoidable and what can we do to minimise these?

We have all heard the phrase “you are what you eat” and this is especially true in terms of skin quality and how well (or not!) the skin ages. A study showed that women diets which included a high volume of unhealthy snacks (think all of the things we crave) tend to have more facial wrinkles than those who follow a healthy diet.

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Lip Fillers - Are they for me?


One thing is certain, lip fillers are not for everyone. When considering having an aesthetic procedure such as lip fillers it is important that you take your time, research your injector and the procedure and do not rush into it on a whim. One thing to consider is often the results that a patient wishes to achieve are not achievable in one session. We will always be honest with you and manage your expectations so that you can make informed decisions. Here is some more information to help you make a well informed decision:

  • Aesthetics procedures are never a one off treatment. We will always work with you to come up with a treatment plan so that your desired results can be achieved and maintained over a period of time.

  • We do not use numbing creams. But don’t panic. We use dental block (infiltrate). This means that the treatment is much more comfortable for you and you are not in pain.

  • In general Dr Raph prefers to use a cannulae (a blunt tube) for lip volume and needles for definition. Cannulas reduce the risk of bruising.

And the most important thing to consider… The immediate before and after pictures. This is not your final result. You final result is around 3 weeks post procedure and by this stage we usually have patients begging us for a little more!

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Rebecca Patterson Rebecca Patterson

Prepping for Your Consultation


Deciding to have an Aesthetics Treatment is a big deal and not something that should be done without thorough research and thought. The good thing is that there is a lot of information online which you can read before your consultation. A good thing to do is always make any notes of questions you have and bring them along to your appointment .

The consultation appointment is just that. A time for you to consult with your Doctor, ask all of the questions that you have and discuss the outcomes that you would like to achieve. It is really important to listen to your Doctor to ensure that your expectations are realistic.

Often clinics like ourselves will provide you a patient medical questionnaire which must be filled out prior to your appointment. Please do not forget to do this. It ensures that we know everything we need to in order to keep you safe and also enables us to have enough time to complete your treatment if you wish to go ahead on the day.

Sometimes patients can leave an appointment feeling disappointed if they are declined to have treatment. Please be aware that if we do not think a treatment is suitable for you, we will not treat you. We have your best interests at heart.

And the biggest one- leave your makeup off! It is the first thing we will do when you walk into our treatment room.

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