Patience is the key to great lips

If you are a follower of our Instagram account you will see that we regularly tell our patients that “patience” is the key to achieving a great result.

What we mean by this is that some of the best results that our clients desire weren’t achieved in one sitting. They were achieved over perhaps two or three - which in turn was over the period of a year.

You may be thinking why can I just get the result I want first time round and pay for more filler. The answer to this question is really simple. If we put too much filler into your lips for example in one sitting you risk looking overfilled with no definition of your lips - think two sausages stuck on your face. By waiting for the initial filler to settle and any swelling to go down we can then assess your result and decide how much more we need to inject to get your result.

We will never inject more than we believe you need in any one sitting no matter how much you beg us to. We have your best interests at heart and know that long term you will thank us for this.


Choosing an Injector


The Importance of Researching Your Injector